Waffles Can Kill…..

Posted: June 21, 2014 in Uncategorized
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“I need 3 waffles, 2 eggs over, and all the cash in the register to go please…..That’s what a respectable young black man robbing a Waffle House at gun point would’ve said.  Instead, Dante Williams pulled his piece, demanded the cash and had a bystander with a conceal carry permit put four holes in him.  Williams’ family is now crying about Dante being the victim.  On what planet is the perp of an armed robbery considered the victim?  And if you believe Williams became the victim in this scenario when he died, you’re out of your rabbit-ass mind.  There is NO WAY to rationalize this incident and see it as anything but the consequences of Williams’ ill-timed and badly considered actions.

Williams family believes he is the victim, though.  He was a “respectable boy who “didn’t have to die.”  They got that point right; he didn’t have to die.  That option left the table when he pulled the gun out. After that, it was only going to end in a couple of ways, neither of which were good for Williams. Since 2012, Williams family has made laughable claims surrounding his death in an attempt to challenge that state’s Stand Your Ground  law and prosecute his shooter, Justin Harrison.  Harrison was later found to be innocent but Williams cousin, Tamika McSwain, went so far as to claim that  Harrison had no need to feel threatened by the gun-brandishing Williams.  And Williams’ family is not alone in their delusion.

In 2013, two men robbed a corner store at gunpoint but were then both shot and killed by a private citizen.  The sister of one of the men described her brother as being “a good kid”. (http://eaglerising.com/2835/family-criminals-want-sue-hero-stopped/)

That same year, 18-year-old Adric White was shot and killed while robbing a Dollar Store.  White had his gun to the head of a store employee and was warned to drop it by a Good Samaritan that was also packing.  When White swung around to drop him, the Good Samaritan dropped White.  A family member was later quoted as saying “If no one had a gun up to him [White]….what gives him  the right to think it’s okay to just shoot?”. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/22/adric-white-robbery_n_4323080.html)

In these cases and others just like them, every attempt is made to place blame anywhere except the one place it really belongs: with the criminal.  Regardless, of whether these were “good boys”, the minute they decided to pick up a weapon and use it in the commission of a felony they went from being good kids to irretrievably stupid with every possibility of ending up dead.  The blame does not lie with the System that failed them, the families that ignored them, the drugs that ensnared them.  Ultimately, the blame rests squarely on their own shoulders; their ACTIONS are what brought about their demise.

The broader story, though, is how this denial and rationalization within their families happens.  In the Waffle House robbery,along with the others, it becomes clear that the ubiquitous undercurrent of liberalism that seeks to undermine the cohesion of the American family by denying acceptance of the concept of personal responsibility is evident. Volumes can, and, indeed, have been written concerning the broken judicial process, the rising rate of recidivism for violent crime and boundaries of legal defense.  But, in truth, the core of the problem lies in a society that no longer adheres to the logic structure of right and wrong, actions and consequences.  There seems to be less and less of any sort of moral compass to guide our actions by and even less of a presence of authority willing to stand by that guidance.  The rise of Liberalism and it permeation of all facets of our society is most assuredly culpable.  Liberalism promotes victimhood, self-pity, discrimination, injustice and exploitation.  The main objective is to save the Individual from himself and foster dependency on any number of bloated bureaucratic agencies, because that Individual is just too stupid to take care of himself. Being disenfranchised and somehow oppressed is a prerequisite.  Minorites are targeted but anyone can be converted.  And it is within this framework that the  lines between criminal and victim must become blurred and rationalized.  The idea that a man or a woman is completely sovereign is somehow foreign to the Liberal mindset and something to be “fixed”.

No segment of the population has been “helped” by these Liberal policies as much as African-Americans.  Hard-working, God-fearing, family oriented people have become something contradictory to their historical narrative.  Falling under the spell that progressive Liberalism offers, the Black population has swapped one form of slavery for another and compromised its traditional conservative ideology.  Beginning with Black churches that preach secular politics and collectivism rather than offer the moral and social guidance they once did, the churches chase the promise of material salvation and reparations in this life.  Once upon a time, the Black churches professed the notion that a long-suffering life would provide spiritual redemption, and  the pastors had to be co-opted by the Liberal agenda in order to effect any real change.   Once the church was overlaid with the liberal agenda, it was much easier to infiltrate the rest of life by using the pastors to tell the parishners how and what to think.(http://www.yourblackworld.net/2013/06/black-news/yvette-carnell-why-black-liberals-need-to-reclaim-the-black-agenda-from-the-black-church-contd/)

The current education system does very little to promote self-reliance.  The institution of Common Core strips away any need for critical thinking and along with it, rational thought.  A question may receive multiple answers and as long as the path to conclusion can be shown and rationalized the answer is not considered “wrong”.   This system of ignorance that is progressively built upon erasers concepts of personal autonomy  and familial involvement in favor of subjugation to the government as the ultimate authority.


Within a social context, reliance on the State is encouraged by a myriad of programs that promote “social justice” and attempt to remedy what the Liberal System believes to be “income inequality”: state funded abortions for unwanted pregnancies, food stamps, housing subsidies, and a plethora of one-off opportunities for free “stuff” (utility payments, childcare, clothing).  Our culture is rife with those that the Left salivates over; movies and music glorifying the roles of the babymomma, thugs and high school dropouts.  Turn on MTV at any time and there are a myriad of choices, programs that, at the very least, push the agenda to rely on the government for even the most basic of needs.

Within this environment of freebies, government-run programs, and an ideology that recognizes the laziest, weakest links in society and quite literally preys upon them for conversion and acceptance into the collective, it becomes much easier to see how the culture of denial and rationalizing crime within the black community arose.  The co-opting of the Black Experience by the left has twisted it into something completely unrecognizable from its humble beginnings in the fight for civil rights.

With the rise and infiltration of the Liberal agenda in every facet of society, the demand for basic civil rights and, indeed, recognition of human dignity has been perverted into a force-fed form of social justice, wherein blacks are continually portrayed as victims by the Left within the larger context of a system that speaks to what they see as their continual struggle for equality on every level.  The system that demands their inclusion in the broader framework does more damage by handcuffing them to any myriad of programs that keep them excluded by their reliance on and faith in the Government instead.  The natural by-product of this scenario is the loss of autonomy and with it, the silent repudiation of personal responsibility.

Families like Williams’ or Whites’ are not in denial so much as inculcated.  They are kept in lockstep with an agenda that serves to destroy the personal accountability we are all responsible for as humans.  By getting taken in by the promise of a more comfortable lifestyle that the Liberal agenda offers through various government programs and giveaways, living the lie is much easier than recognizing the hard truth that they have been used by the same system that promised their escape.

  1. jonolan says:

    The issue is not with how the Blacks feel; that is vastly irrelevant. The issue is with the fact that anyone gives them the handout of listening to them and allowing them to persecute the citizens of the nation that they feed upon.

    The correct answer to them by any court is, “You have no standing. Case dismissed.”

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